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That said, there is 1 amazing Vastu dosh remedy for the kitchen. The harmonious sound and beautiful design make the wind chimes a must-have these days. However, one shouldn’t forget that it attracts positive energy too.
Doors should be facing east and should open inside so that energy may remain inside. The bedroom is very important for cordial relationships among family members and for marital happiness. The colors of the bedroom walls wield a strong influence in this regard, and hence, should be the ones that promote harmony and intimacy.
Vastu Shastra for House #6: Crystal Balls
The Puja area should be designed in a peaceful corner of the house instead of a kitchen. If you have no choice other than placing the temple in a kitchen, make sure it is in the northeast direction and not near the gas burner or sink. If your kitchen is not placed in the recommended directions, ensure that the stone slab colour under the gas stove is in-sync with the five-element theory.

Office color according to Vastu - There are specific rules to select office color according to Vastu. In the case of a small office then the colors should be light, pastel & neutral and in case of large office space, you can use some bright colors. There should not be any error in selecting the colors else it can have negative repercussions.
How to remove Vastu dosh from the house?
And as per Vastu shastra tips, hanging a big family photo or multiple photos in the living room can help strengthen the bond between the family members. So, try out this Vastu for home tip and hang some trendy frames with the photos of your family members. Keep the television and computers in the south-east corner of the living room.

The southeastern corner also represents the Fire element. This direction is often related to Venus, representing the female energy. So, southeast vastu dosh usually affects the lady of the house. This kind of vastu problems also leads to financial and marital problems.
Puja room in kitchen
When someone enters your house, they should see a picture of the God you believe in. It is best to place a picture of the deity on the first wall the person sees. Leaving that place empty could create financial problems in your home. A pyramid made out of glass and stone can help you divert negative energy to another place. The perfect place for the pyramid would be at the entrance of your home or office area.

Worshipping will surely provide peace of mind, but matters won’t settle unless the vastu defect is corrected. Some of the Vastu tips to keep a TV in the bedroom are as follows. Make sure that any surface that reflects the bed – a mirror, a TV, even a photo frame – shouldn’t be placed on the wall that’s in front of you. The correct Vastu for a bedroom is something that’s of utmost necessity.
There may be errors while constructing the office but Vastu Dosh remedies for office are there to correct the situation! If your office has such issues, then follow the above-mentioned remedies and bid farewell to all the negative energies. If you have a weakness in your kapha, then it is very important that you take care of this weakness by using vastu remedies.

E.g. accounting staff should sit in a way that they face north east direction. Fill up a bowl with sea salt and place it in the North East Toilet and change the salt at least once a week. Keep an indoor plant such as spider plant or money plant, which can absorb significant amount of negative energy. Always keep the toilet fresh by keeping an indoor plant or spraying air freshener. We offer complete Vastu consultation for removing Vastu Dosh from your house, office, factory, and other important places. The solution provided can give much energy which releases you from negative energies.
The second-best location for the kitchen should be the northwest corner of the house. You can use sea salts, mirrors, camphor crystals, pyramids, wind chimes, crystal balls, aquariums, and other hacks as Vastu dosh nivaran mantra. Keep the north-east corner of your home free of clutter and let it remain spacious for good energy glow.

Vastu is not essential for living but it surely helps in leading a healthier life. Hence, you should try to remove Vastu dosh from your house. Vastu dosh nivaran can be avoided by placing furniture and puja rooms in the right direction, using appropriate colours, and the correct direction of cooking.
So make sure your entrance is well-lit, and let the divine vibes flow into your lives. Defects in the pantry of the office- The Pantry or the Kitchen may have some flaws like the stove and sink can be very near to each other. The gas or the stove should not be placed in the northeast corner, and the sink should not be placed in the south-east corner of the kitchen. The Vastu Shastra remedies of these defects for the office by placing Copper Swastika (behind the gas/stove) and a pyramid made of Shriparni wood . Make sure that the toilet/bathroom is not in the north-east corner of the house. Ideally, it should be in the east of south-east, south of south-west or west of the north-west corner of the house.

A bathroom is a room that causes maximum Vastu dosh in the house. You can, however, remove Vastu dosh from the kitchen with the remedy listed below. Keeping a rock cluster in the space in between the kitchen sink and stove is known to absorb negative energies. While these tips are general in nature, there are available some best Vastu Consultant In India.
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